Melissa Hot Beverage Maker 645 055 User Manual

DK Ledningsfri el-kedel ..................................................2  
UK Cordless jug kettle ....................................................5  
Hvis denne funktion har været i gang, tages  
stikket ud af stikkontakten, og el-kedlen  
afkøles i 5–10 minutter. El-kedlen kan nu  
benyttes igen.  
Inden De anvender el-kedlen første gang  
eller efter længere tids opbevaring uden  
brug, bør kedlen koges igennem.  
Fyld el-kedlen op med vand til  
maksimum påfyldningsniveau på 1,7 L.  
Efter brug slukkes der på stikkontakten og  
stikket tages ud. Lad el-kedlen køle af.  
Da denne el-kedel har skjult varmelegeme,  
er vigtigt jævnligt at holde bunden ren for at  
opnå optimal ydelse. Bunden kan mellem  
afkalkningerne rengøres med opvaskebørste  
eller skuresvamp.  
Brug en fugtig klud til at aftørre el-kedlen  
med udvendig og tør efter med et tørt  
viskestykke el. lign.  
Tænd for el-kedlen.  
Når vandet har kogt, hældes det ud.  
Gentag dette 3 gange  
Fyld el-kedlen med den ønskede  
mængde vand; dog som minimum 0,35  
L. og maksimalt 1,7 L. El-kedlen fyldes  
gennem tuden eller låget åbnes og vand  
kan påfyldes herefter  
El-kedlen anbringes på foden, der skal  
placeres på en fast, plan overflade. Sæt  
derefter stikket i stikkontakten og skub  
tænd/sluk knappen til position "l",  
Kontrollampen vil nu lyse.  
Vandet vil koge i løbet af få minutter, alt  
efter mængde.  
Hvis De ønsker at afbryde  
kogningsprocessen, skub tænd/sluk  
knappen til position "0".  
Når vandet er i kog, slukker el-kedlen  
automatisk ved hjælp af den  
indbyggede termostat.  
Anvend aldrig stærke rengøringsmidler eller  
midler med slibende effekt, da disse kan  
ridse og skade el-kedlens ydre.  
På grund af kalk i vandet, vil der over en  
længere periodes anvendelse sætte sig kalk  
i selve el-kedlen.  
Til afkalkning kan De bruge en opløsning af  
eddikesyre og vand, eller et  
kalkfjerningsmiddel, som kan købes i alle  
supermarkeder, etc.  
Bland 1 dl. eddikesyre (aldrig  
husholdningseddike) med 3 dl. koldt  
vand eller følg instruktionen på  
Kogetiden varierer alt efter mængden af  
Efter 30 sekunder, kan el-kedlen  
aktiveres igen. Forsøg ikke at tænde før,  
da dette kan ødelægge el-kedlen.  
Fyld blandingen i el-kedlen og tænd på  
kontakten. Lad opløsningen koge op 2  
gange. Hæld derefter opløsningen ud.  
For at fjerne de sidste rester af kalk og  
eddikesyre/kalkfjerner fyldes el-kedlen  
op til maksimum mærket med koldt  
vand og der tændes for el-kedlen.  
Løft nu el-kedlen af foden og hæld  
forsigtigt fra kanden.  
OBS! El-kedlen må ikke flyttes fra basen så  
længe den er aktiveret.  
Efter at vandet har kogt, hældes det ud  
og man gentager processen 3 gange.  
Herefter er el-kedlen klar til brug igen.  
Denne el-kedle er med skjult varmelegeme  
og dermed nikkelfri.  
Denne el-kedel er installeret med en  
automatisk sikkerhedsafbryder for at  
forhindre overophedning. Den går i gang,  
hvis el-kedlen er sat i gang med for lidt eller  
intet vand.  
Afkalkning foretages efter 2–3 måneders  
dagligt brug. Afkalk ikke for ofte, da det kan  
beskadige varmelegemet.  
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Et el/elektronik produkt bør, når det ikke  
længere er funktionsdygtigt,  
bortskaffes med mindst mulig  
miljøbelastning. Apparatet skal bortskaffes  
efter de lokale regler i din kommune, men i  
de fleste tilfælde kan du komme  
af med produktet på din lokale  
hvis ovennævnte ikke iagttages.  
hvis apparatet har været misligholdt,  
været udsat for vold eller lidt anden  
form for overlast.  
for fejl som måtte opstå grundet fejl på  
hvis der har har været foretaget  
uautoriseret indgreb i apparatet.  
Grundet konstant udvikling af vore  
produkter på funktions- og designsiden  
forbeholder vi os ret til ændringer af  
produktet uden forudgående varsel.  
Adexi A/S  
Adexi AB  
Der tages forbehold for trykfejl.  
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Please read this instruction manual carefully  
and familiarise yourself with your new jug  
kettle before using for the first time.  
Please retain this manual for future  
To avoid possible steam damage, turn  
the spout away from walls or cabinets  
when operating the kettle.  
If operated on wood furniture, use a  
protective pad to prevent damage to  
delicate finishes.  
To avoid scalding, always ensure the lid  
is correctly positioned before operating.  
Scalding may occur if the lid is removed  
whilst heating.  
Remove and replace the lid carefully  
when hot.  
Extreme caution must be used when  
moving the kettle containing hot water.  
Never lift the kettle by its lid. Always use  
the body handle.  
Do not switch your kettle on if it is  
To protect from electrical hazard, do not  
immerse this kettle, power base or cord  
in any liquid.  
When using your kettle, basic safety  
precautions should always be followed,  
including the following.  
Read all instructions carefully, even if  
you are familiar with the appliance.  
Close supervision is necessary if the  
appliance is used by or near children.  
Before connecting the kettle, check if  
the voltage indicated on the appliance  
(underside of kettle and base unit.)  
corresponds with the main voltage in  
your home. If this is not the case,  
contact your dealer contact your dealer  
and do not use the kettle.  
Use the kettle only with the supplied  
base unit. Do not use the base unit for  
other purposes.  
To protect against fire, do not operate in  
the presence of explosive and/ or  
flammable fumes.  
Switch off and unplug from the outlet  
before filling, emptying or cleaning, or  
when not in use.  
Do not overfill as boiling water may be  
ejected. The maximum level is marked  
on the water indicator.  
Do not operate or place any part of this  
appliance on or near any hot surfaces  
(such as gas or electric burner or in a  
heated oven).  
A kettle should not be left connected to  
a wall socket when the room  
temperature is likely to fall to outdoor  
winter temperatures. At sub-zero  
temperatures the automatic control  
thermostat may reset to boilenergize the  
Do not use the kettle for any purpose  
other than heating water. Other liquids  
or food will contaminate the interior.  
Do not let the cord hang over the edge  
of a table or counter. Do not let the cord  
touch hot surfaces.  
Never yank on the cord as this may  
damage the cord and eventually cause  
a risk of electric shock.  
If the supply cord of this appliance is  
damaged, it must be replaced by a  
repair shop appointed by the  
manufacturer, because special purpose  
tools are required.  
This product has not been designed for  
any other uses than those specified in  
this booklet.  
Avoid touching hot kettle surfaces - use  
the handle and knobs.  
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If the automatic safety cut-out has  
operated, switch the kettle off,  
a. Spout  
disconnect from the power outlet and  
allow the kettle to cool down for 5- 10  
minutes. Then refill with water and  
switch on - the kettle wills then boil and  
cut off as in normal operation.  
The kettle may be switched off at any  
time by either pushing the switch of the  
kettle to the "down" position or by  
switching the power off at the power  
b. Lid  
c. Water meter  
d. Control lamp  
e. On/Off button  
f. Contact  
g. Base with cord rewind  
To pour water, lift the kettle from the  
power base and pour  
Place the power base on a dry, flat  
Place the kettle on the power base. The  
electrical connections will be made  
automatically as the kettle slides onto  
the power base.  
Plug the cord into an earthed power  
socket and switch on by depressing the  
switch of the kettle to the "l" position.  
When the water has boiled, the kettle  
will switch off automatically. After  
Before first use, fill the kettle with clean  
water to maximum capacity and boil.  
Discard the water and repeat.  
The kettle should always be unplugged  
when filling or adding water.  
Fill the kettle with water to the desired  
level. Do not overfill or there will be a  
risk of spillage or spitting. The water  
level indicator will assist you to measure  
correct amount. You can fill the kettle  
via the spout or after opening the lid. Do  
not forget to close the lid after filling  
otherwise the kettle will not  
automatically switch off after use.  
Do not fill with less that 0,35 litre of  
Do not fill with more than 1,7 litres of  
water (up to "MAX" indication).  
An automatic safety cut-out has been  
fitted for protection against overheating.  
It will operate if the kettle is switched on  
when containing insufficient water.  
allowing the kettle to cool down for  
30 seconds, the water can be brought  
back to the boil by pushing the switch  
back to the "l" position. During the  
cooling down time do not force the  
on/off switch into the "l" position as this  
can damage the operating mechanism.  
Do not remove the kettle from the  
power-base without first switching off.  
Remember, if you do not wish to re-boil  
the kettle, turn it off at power point.  
The kettle may be switched off at any  
time by either pushing the switch of the  
kettle to the "0" position or by switching  
the power off at the power outlet.  
To pour water, lift the kettle from the  
power base and pour.  
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Wipe the exterior of the kettle with a soft,  
damp cloth or sponge. Remove stubborn  
An electronic appliance should, when it is no  
longer capable of functioning be disposed  
spots with a cloth moistened with mild liquid with least possible environmental damage.  
detergent. Do not use abrasive scouring  
pads or powders. Never immerse the kettle  
in water or other liquids.  
The appliance should be disposed  
according to the local regulations in your  
municipality, in most cases you can  
discharge the appliance at your local  
recycling center.  
As this kettle has concealed heating  
element, is it important to keep the bottom  
clean. Between the decalcification you may  
use a washing-up brush or sponge.  
From time to time, dependent on the nature  
of your water supply, a limescale deposit is  
naturally formed and can be found mostly  
adhered to the heating element and reduce  
the heating capacity.  
The amount of limescale deposited (and  
subsequently the need to clean or descale)  
largely depends on the water hardness in  
your area and the frequency with which the  
kettle is used.  
If the above points have not been  
If the appliance has not been properly  
maintained, if force has been used  
against it or if it has been damaged in  
any other way.  
Errors or faults owing to defects in the  
distribution system.  
If the appliance has been repaired or  
modified or changed in any way or by  
any person not properly authorised.  
Limescale is not harmful to your health. But  
if poured into your beverage it can give a  
powdery taste to your drink. Therefore, the  
kettle should be descale periodically as  
indicated below:  
Owing to our constant development of our  
products on both functionality and design  
we reserve the right to change the product  
without preceding notice.  
Descale the kettle regularly. With normal  
use: at least twice a year.  
Fill the kettle up to the "MAX" with a  
mixture of one part acetic acid and two  
parts water. Switch on and wait for the  
appliance to switch off automatically.  
Adexi A/S  
Adexi AB  
We take reservations for printing errors.  
Let the mixture remain inside the kettle  
Throw the mixture away the next  
Fill the kettle with clean water up to  
"MAX" and boil again.  
Throw away this boiled water to remove  
any remaining scale and vinegar.  
Rinse the inside of the kettle with clean  
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Download from Www.Somanuals.com8. All Manuals Search And Download.  

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